Sunday 30 November 2008

Someone Special

"I wake up to the sound of rain upon my sill
Pick up the pieces of my yesterday old thrill
Can I deliver this used up shiver
To how I pronounce my life
And leave it up to faith to go by its own will

Back row to the left
A little to the side
Slightly out of place
Look beyond the light
Where you'd least expect
There's someone special

A foggy morning greets me quietly today
I smell a fragrance in the wind blowing my way
And ever further I run to find her
I yearn to define my life
Placing my faith in chance to meet me in half way

Back row to the left
A little to the side
Slightly out of place
Look beyond the light
Where you'd least expect
There's someone special

And she's here to write her name
On my skin with kisses in the rain
Hold my head and ease my pain
In a world that's gone insane..."

Friday 28 November 2008


Ok, why is it that although i always state "I don't want kids" whenever someone has a baby i get all broody, i'm a guy i'm not supposed to get broody, but my bros just had a little girl and shes just so damn adorable, now i want one lol. I'm sure this feeling will pass... at some point, i mean i'm in no rush i've got all the time in the world right? Either way the latest addition to my family is by far the cutest...

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Cleaning and Me

Today i did something really out of the ordinary...and i mean really. I tidied my room, and this is a rarity, I'm used to comments like "Bloody hell, one of these days you'll be able to see the floor...", and today i was compelled to just get off my ass and clean, like the entire room.

Afterwards someone said to me "They say our room is the mirror of our soul", and maybe its right, i mean, recently I've made quite a few changes to my life, drastic and needed ones too. So perhaps the compelling to clean my room was something to do with that I'd like to think so.

Thursday 20 November 2008

The best thing i've heard all year

Recently i heard a real belter, suffering a divorce, a couple argue until red in the face. Eventually they come to an agreement not to talk to each other.

So a while goes by and suddenly the guy gets a message from said ex-wife "I'm sorry i just want to be friends, let's be civil with each other..."

The guy is like "what!?!?!" He accepts a call from her and starts to talk with her, she says "I want to be civil after all we've been through", the guy replies "Ok i just want a clean divorce", she says "Well i'm still going to take you to court but let's be friends", guys like "WTF!?!?!?!?!?".

Now am i the only person that see's whats wrong with this situation, i mean "Hey i still want to screw you for everything you have in court....but let's be friends" i mean come on now, that is some messed up situation right there. xD

Wednesday 19 November 2008


Right, im yet again the proud owner of my own shiny new blog... but what the hell do i put in it? It's been a while since i did one of these so once i fugre exactly what i'm going to do here i'll be adding loads of stuff... i think haha.

Mostly my thought's, ideas, feelings, and general other things will appear here, so sit back, and enjoy the ride! ;)