Monday 22 December 2008


Jingle bells, Batman smells, Robin flew away...

Ok im not going to do Christmas carols really, had you going for a second though didn't i? Ok maybe i didn't but yer you get the idea Christmas is coming.

Personally as i've gotten older i've come to realise that Christmas is an over-rated money spinner for toy companies to reel in those kids and butcher the wallets of parents... it was cool when i was little, i was the one getting all those toys, but as i've gotten older i've realised what the real meaning of Christmas is, let's start with what it isn't and what its turned out to be.

Firstly, when most people think of Christmas they think of presents, alcohol, partys, getting carried home in a real bad drunken haze and so much food you look like a beached whale for a month later, this really isn't what its about at all.

As i've gotten older and wiser i've come to realise Christmas is more about people coming together, of course there is the real reason people are meant to celebrate Christmas (the coming of Jesus), but not everyone is Catholic so forget that reason. It's about families, being happy, being with the people you love most, all these things are what Christmas spirit are about, or atleast in my opinion...

So what do i want for Christmas? Well i've already got that sorted, and i won't get it till January, but that's the gift of Love... Good times.

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